Hotel reservations at the Hyatt for the 2019 Sacramento Visit (March 27, 2019) are now open: Registration.
CSLRA Opposes “Forced Access”
CSLRA has contacted key members of the California Congressional Delegation to express concerns regarding the U.S. Surface Transportation Board’s (STB) proposed railroad regulations known as “forced access” or “forced reciprocal switching.” The proposed new regulations would require freight railroads to open their lines to competitors, cap rates, and give preferential treatment to certain shippers. This proposal would negatively impact short line, regional, and Class I railroads. If these regulations are adopted we would experience a repeat of the pre-1980 failed policies that led to reduced investment, decreased service, and a less safe rail network. CSLRA urges its members and friends to contact their representatives in Congress in opposition to the STB’s proposal.
National Rail Safety Week
This is National Rail Safety Week. Never try to beat a train to a road crossing. The weight of a locomotive to your car = that of a car to a soda can.
See Tracks Think Train! “Can”: video