CSLRA Opposes Federal Train Crew Size Regulations

See the details on the Legislative & Regulatory Agenda page (link). In summary, the reasons for opposition are: There is no data showing two-person crews are safer than one-person crews. Railroads are fully committed to safety and achieving a future with zero incidents and injuries. The industry has installed tens of thousands of miles of Positive Train Control (PTC) and is completing implementation. Rail staffing — specifically the number of persons in a train locomotive — has always been a matter of collective bargaining and must remain that way. Crew size mandates would deter innovation and private investment in railroad companies and limit the competitive viability of freight railroads, which is contrary to national safety, economic, and transportation interests.

CSLRA-Member San Joaquin Valley Railroad Honored at ASLRRA Central-Pacific Meeting

CSLRA congratulates member San Joaquin Valley Railroad (SJVR) and parent company Genessee & Wyoming for receiving two President’s Awards at the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA) Central-Pacific Region meeting in San Diego on November 13, 2018. The SJVR was recognized as the railroad with the most hours of injury-free operation, and additionally for being the railroad with the lowest accident frequency ratio in the 150,000-250,000 man-hours worked category. General Manager Joe Evans accepted the awards from ASLRRA Board Chair Judy Petry.